Pesticide Exposure and Heat Exhaustion in a Migrant Agricultural Worker: A Case of Labor Trafficking


Author: Stoklosa, Hanni; Kunzler, Nathan; Ben, Zheng; Jimenez Lunab, Juan Carlos; Martinez de Vedia, Gonzalo & Erickson, Timothy

Abstract: To our knowledge, there are no published reports of heat exhaustion and pesticide exposure in a labor trafficked patient in the literature. Here we represent the case of J.C.J.L., who was labor trafficked. He presented to a local emergency department with heat exhaustion and pesticide exposure related to working conditions in a Mississippi corn field. Unfortunately, while he received medical treatment, his labor trafficking condition was missed. Emergency departments should be equipped to assess for human trafficking and connect trafficked persons with the resources they need. Emergency physicians should maintain a high index of suspicion for human trafficking among migrant workers presenting with occupation-related complaints.

Keywords: migrant worker, labor trafficking, pesticide exposure, heat exhaustion, emergency department, healthcare