A Method to Develop a Statewide Resource Guide, Needs Assessment, and Service Inventory to Respond to Human Trafficking


Author: Nichols, Andrea & Preble, Kathleen

Abstract: The extant research literature indicates that human trafficking survivors have a myriad of service needs, including acute and long-term needs. A statewide resource guide, needs assessment, and service inventory were developed for Missouri through community action research involving a partnership with an anti-trafficking coalition, a consortium of funders, and a series of small research teams. This article details the evolution of a resource guide and describes the methods used to 1) develop a statewide resource guide for human trafficking survivors and the service providers who work with them, 2) evaluate the resource guide, 3) create a statewide/regional service inventory based on resource guide data, and 4) conduct a statewide/regional needs assessment. The aim was to provide a scalable process that others can follow to develop their own statewide resource guides, service inventories, and needs assessments to assist survivors better and guide responses.

Keywords: Missouri, human trafficking, sex trafficking, labor trafficking, service inventory, resource guide, services, needs assessment